So Tuesday night was the "A Sultry Night in Harlem" Concert ft. Eric Roberson. Vin Keatin opened the night with a sexy serenade called Chocolate Kisses. He literally serenaded FFFWEEK FACE Bre Woodley. Keatin's voice makes you want to turn the lights down and get close to your man. The fact that he is super sexy himself didn't hurt either. Next was Jamal St, John, a spoken word artist. He is a self proclaimed chubby chaser and the pieces he performed last night explained why. "On the 7th day God rested because on the 8th day he created thickness and it's been good ever since" His poetry was clever and it connected to the audience.
And then there was Eric Roberson..... And everything in the world seemed to be really good. Eric's spirit on stage is intensely comforting. He makes you feel as if your with a group of friends and your in the middle of an awesome jam session. Unfortunately his time was limited, but he made the sweetest lemonade anyone could have asked for.... He sang a medley of songs including my personal requests for "She" and "Softest Lips." I enjoyed his music before and now I absolutely LOVE HIM!!!! He rocked it out to his freestyle using words and phrases from the audience. This is his signature move and it was ridiculously awesome. He created a sweet song using "soft curves" (my suggestion) "expeditiously" and "ceiling fan" just to name a few. It was incredible!!!! Now I can say that I'm a real fan of Eric Roberson!!!!
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